Saturday, September 29, 2012

Harvest Fest and Such! :D

I like my silly boy :) Mutual weirdness, I suppose ha ha  
omg. please excuse me while I obsess with Of Monsters and Men D:  I get such a magical adventurous feeling listening to their songs!

 omg. I went to Harvest Fest and I had so much fun! :D It was amazing! We slept in tents, blew bubbles, made fires and danced until 5AM. It gave me a beautiful sense of being part of a lovely community. I want to keep on living that way here =u= Love&Peace always, and everywhere regardless where I am. 

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Thursday, September 6, 2012

wwhy why

ahhhh season 8 soon!! I'll be sure to hold in my tears :"(

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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

elaborate dream

colour study.

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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

One day I'll post something relevant.

So about that Canadian weather eh?! ....we had snow in APRIL. ...APRIL. Well it was funny because it was April 1st ha ha ha......good one mother nature. GOOD ONE. Canadian weather in a nutshell. brother makes these smoothies all the time. We tried to put more ingredient in it....the blender will never be the same. ps. but OMIGAWD. New Star Trek movie ajodijasodsaid SO EXCITE.
I...mistake inanimate objects for my cat. THERE WERE BUNNIES AT THE BOOK STORE. AHHHH There were a whole bunch of kids wanting to pet them.........and then there was me.....equally excited. BUT WHATEVER, I got to pet them AND THEY WERE SOFT. My brother. I've never seen another human being so agravated by an Iphone game before hahahaha The game is FunRun. Oh gawd. If you have an account add me (monionies)and we can race, sadly...this is what me and some co-workers do when there are no customers. HA HA HA We meet again tequila. WE MEET AGAIN. I don't know why we thought looking angry was looking 'sober' for the general public. LOL We do it everytime too ha ha ha uh Weird Lovely stuff my boyfriend does. .... he must never see these journals lmao sshhhhh-- ...he loves texting me/telling me these kinds of things. LOL OTL ...we play crazy eights and drink tea like old people. ...BUT I SWEAR TO GOD. Every time I'm ALMOST going to win I just get destroyed with pick up 2132 cards and miss a turn then I lose. ARGH. Why does--I can't--ARGHHHFAISODJ ..but no sparklers were to be found ): So it looked like this: (THE BEAUTIFUL ARTWORK IS COURTESY OF MEL. LMAO Look at that master piece on the cake. Looks just like him!!) I'm sorry anyone who gets close to me gets my curse of being late and impractical. LOL ....Homeless people hit on Jordan and I got nothing. WHAT IS THIS. LMAO (of course I'm kidding)'s like how the gay guy at starbucks gives him free coffee but not for me. SLIGHTLY CHEESED. I'M HANDSOME TOO. )": ಥ‿ಥ DAT GAP. POOPERS. I don't anymore---I-

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